We’re experiencing a time of radical, constant change. Organizations around the world are coping with unprecedented challenges that have fast-tracked their transformation.

The rise of more interdependent work from continual digital transformations means the days of the lone expert are over; now is the time for more ‘ambidextrous’ experts and collaborators. This means developing, upskilling and reskilling large populations of your workforce.

Not everyone learns in the same way or needs to learn the same thing, each journey is tailored to address specifically what development is needed — and how to address it.

We work with your team as an honest and inclusive partner to achieve and exceed your business goals, and we have the knowledge, expertise and experience to help you achieve greatness.

Upskilling and Reskilling Programs:


PERESK & PARTNERS offers extensive and holistic trainings and certifications for both working professionals and leadership.

1) Tailor-Made Plans:

      I.        Leadership and Professional Upskilling (for every level and business)

  1. Federal Project Management Skills (for managers and professionals in the Government)
  • Leadership Coaching (for making impact and powerful organizational shifts)

   IV.        Specialized Development Solutions for Professionals (from junior to senior level)


2) Short Courses, Lecture on Best Practice and Webinars:

With our short course, lectures and webinars you have the chance differentiate yourself in a competitive market by gaining valuable skills and professional recognition which increase your potential to earn more and be promoted in your career path.

                    I.        Leadership and Management:

 Project Management

Federal Project Management

International Business Protocols, Negotiations and Diplomacy

Doing Business in Europe

Doing Business in Middle East

Leadership skills

Change and Strategy Management


Business Investment and Finance

                 Decision Making Management


                   II.        Energy, Oil and Gas:

Oil and Gas Upstream Economics

Oil and Gas Upstream Management

Energy Transition and Security of Supply

Downstream Management

Petroleum Economics and Risk Analysis – E&P Investment Decision-Making

International Energy Business Ecosystems

OPEC and Energy Geopolitics

Oil Trading and Shiping

 EU Energy Security, Challenges and Opportunities